September 2, 2013

Mila Monday

Amelia: 118 weeks

When I turned the camera on her this morning at breakfast, she whined, "No take my picture! Noooo!"
I'm really loving all the tantrums and defiance and general grumpiness that are becoming all too common these days. Two is such a delightful age. Except when it's really really not.

Margot: 20 weeks

At least this little frog is happy.

Most of the time. I'll spare you any videos of her banshee shrieks because you probably want to keep your eardrums intact. Considerate, that's what I am.

I sure love my girls and we have lots of fun together, but I'll be honest: we've been going through quite the rough patch. It'll get better; it always does. We just have to survive until then.

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