August 30, 2013

End of the month list update: August

Let's revisit the month's accomplishments, shall we?

Learn to play something new on the piano: I went as far as purchasing sheet music but, thanks to our wonky printer, I haven't even printed it yet. I have a few things I need printed out, actually, so I'll head over to Staples and take care of that next week. Then I can get to practicing!

Incorporate more vegetarian meals into my repertoire: I made this chicken & gnocchi soup on Monday, subbing in vegetable broth for chicken and leaving out the meat. I also swapped a pint (A WHOLE PINT) of half and half for about a cup and a half of 2% milk and a splash of heavy cream so it wasn't completely watered down. Turned out delicious; I highly recommend it.

Try 5 new-to-me foods: Well, there was the ostrich egg, of course, which went into German pancakes, breakfast burritos, and muffins. But I forgot to tell you about the time I tried sauerkraut. I did! For the first time! Everyone said it was quite mild as kraut goes, and for some reason I've always been nervous to try it, but turns out it's pretty good (in small doses). I would eat it again.

Bake 30 cakes: I made a German chocolate cake. That was it. I am falling really behind on this one. If I end up baking like a dozen cakes for Christmas, don't be surprised.

Reconnect with some old friends: Kelli came to visit again, but of course I don't have an pictures. She is a photographer! How does this always seem to happen? And this is old news, but I forgot to mention in my last recap that some of our playdates were with old friends--Melissa and Natalie--whom I hadn't seen in a while. Yay for double dipping!

Attend some local events: I went to another blogger meet-up that I still need to post about. (There's a giveaway involved! Woo!) This goal was making me feel bad for not getting out more, but you know what? It's been hot. And I had a baby. It's okay that I haven't done more stuff this summer. I have done some research, though, and there are a whole mess of fun things coming up in the next month or two, so this fall should be heavy in the local event department.

Not my heaviest hitting month. I even forgot to svithe. It's a little discouraging. Some days I get practically nothing but laundry done, so it's no wonder I'm not meeting more of my goals. Maybe I need to make arrangements for someone to take the girls once a week so I can start crossing things off again.


  1. .

    We made our own sauerkraut for the first time last month. And one head of cabbage, I learned, makes A LOT of sauerkraut. Come grab a quart whenever you like.
