August 5, 2013

Mila Monday

Amelia: 114 weeks

She was "tying" her shirt.
I am not sure where she picked up on that little fashion statement, but I am a little envious of her abs.

Margot: 16 weeks

This weekend we accidentally discovered that the fastest way to get her to laugh is to have Mila play peek-a-boo with her.

Works every time.

Also, since I've been on an outtakes know how sometimes you randomly snap a picture and it's not quite in focus or weirdly cropped but you love it anyway because it perfectly captures someone you adore? That's what these are.

And it wasn't until JUST NOW as I looked at them next to each other that I realized how much--despite their very different coloring and Margot's lack of hair--they really do look alike.

These girls. They push me closer to the edge of the Cliffs of Insanity than I ever thought possible, but also I love them more than I ever thought possible too.

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