July 8, 2013

Mila Monday

We're home again (jiggety jig) and dealing with a major vacation hangover. At least I am. There's just so much stuff to deal with after being gone for more than a week. The biggest offenders: not enough sleep (Margot has decided she's now too cool for her former habit of waking up only once [ONCE!] at night and is instead waking up almost hourly. Yay.); little more than potatoes, tubes of blueberry Greek yogurt, and various condiments in the fridge (Anyone wanna come over for a really weird dinner?); and more dirty clothing than seems possible for four people who had access to a washer and dryer all week to have accumulated. Oy.

Today I plan to run a million loads of laundry, pull together a menu plan for the week, pack up the girls and hit the grocery store, and pretend I'm not dreaming wistfully about cool ocean breezes and dinner made by someone else.

If I can get one out of four there I'll call the day a success.

Amelia: 110 weeks

If she were a man, her facial hair would probably be the exact color of her orange-and-mango juice mustache here.

Margot: 12 weeks

Anybody wants tickets to the gun show?
 Yeeeeah baby.

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