June 16, 2013

Svithe: Our Father gave me their father

I have some repenting to do.

Last month I wrote a "svithe" on Mother's Day...and it was not particularly svithey at all. I mean, moms are great, and women are great, but the point of the svithe is not to talk about great things and people. It's to devote one post a week (less frequently in my case, but still) to God. And I didn't do that. It's been bothering me for weeks. I'm going to remove the svithe tag from it, actually, because it just doesn't fall under that category.

Forgive me, Father, for neglecting You in favor of other things. Good things, but not heavenly things. Forgive me, Mother, for failing to mention you at all.

On this Father's Day, I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for giving me a wonderful man to be my husband and the father of my children. I'm thankful that David has made our little family his top priority, and that we work together as "help meets" in our effort to raise our daughters in righteousness. I'm thankful that he has so many great examples to look to, but more importantly, I'm thankful that he asks our Father for guidance and help to be the best dad in the whole world. (That's his goal. He told me so.)
I am blessed.

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