June 14, 2013

Spreading the love...and griping a little bit too.


I had this long ol' post written up about this person I have a teensy blog crush on, and I was all set to link it up at Friday We're In Love...and then Mila happened. I don't know what she did, but whatever button she pushed made everything go away.


Quite frankly, I'm too brain dead and tired after this ridiculous week to try to recreate that post. So here's a quick summary:

Kayla over at Freckles in April? She's rad. She's a style blogger mostly, but also writes helpful tutorials about the ins and outs of bloggage, DIY stuffs, stories about her recent (and most enviable) trip to Paris, a new series that has me thinking maybe I should give Feedly a second chance as my Google Reader replacement, poetic musings about life, fun link-ups, and was bold enough to ask the most controversial question of them all: are leggings pants? (Answer: NO.) (But evidently my opinion on that point is in the minority.)
Photo ganked from FIA sin permiso. Forgive me, Kayla? I couldn't talk about you and not show your pretty face.

If you aren't reading her blog, you should be. She's pretty and smart and a smidge snarky (and you know I like me some snark), and a fantastic writer, which for me is the deciding factor in whether I keep reading or not. Go check her out. The end

(Next week will bring better bloggins on my end. I swear.)

(Maybe I shouldn't make promises like that. I do have a two-month- and a two-year-old, after all.)

(Also there's a linky button from FWIL that I tried to grab, but I can't get it to work because evidently I'm an idiot.)

(Somebody please make me stop writing unnecessary confessional parentheticals.)

(I need a nap.)

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