Despite the fact that I am STILL pregnant, I'm following through with this blog maternity leave thing. It's nice to have other people amuse me while I deal with the toddler who things I'm a jungle gym and the fetus who likes to give me noogies on the inside of my pelvis. Good times, y'all. Good times. So yes...the guest bloggers continue!
Ali, who writes at Our Happily Ever After, was one of the many lovely ladies who attended the AZ Blogger Meetup in February. She is a great mama and a self-proclaimed Disney geek, which I find endlessly entertaining...but I'll shut up and let her tell you all about it...with photos! (You know you want in on that baby Rory cheek-kissing action.) Welcome Ali!
Ali, who writes at Our Happily Ever After, was one of the many lovely ladies who attended the AZ Blogger Meetup in February. She is a great mama and a self-proclaimed Disney geek, which I find endlessly entertaining...but I'll shut up and let her tell you all about it...with photos! (You know you want in on that baby Rory cheek-kissing action.) Welcome Ali!
SO Jen's off having her baby!!
Woot! Super exciting!!
Ok so intro:
I'm Ali from Our Happily Ever After,
married to Andrew (a.k.a. The Hubster),
and mama to Aurora (a.k.a. Rory, Little Miss, Little Princess,
stinkbutt, poopface, etc)
We were mere children!! Hahahaha
And now we have a child! Crazy!!
I decided to tell you a little about me ;)
- I'm TERRIFIED of spiders, snakes, and sharks.
Yeah and apparently "s" words??
I blame Indiana Jones and Jaws for two of them
and then spiders are just creepy!
I blame Indiana Jones and Jaws for two of them
and then spiders are just creepy!
- I get emotionally attached to fictional characters:
movies, books, tv shows, you name it I've cried over them!
And I cry when they end's like a friend has died I tell you!
And I cry when they end's like a friend has died I tell you!
(Hunger Games, Harry Potter, etc anyone!?)
- I'm still afraid of the dark.
Yep, I'll admit it,
I am not a grown up in this sense hahaha
- I'm a self-proclaimed Disney freak.
And I do mean freak.
I own most of the movies, and our apartment is
decked out in my Disney lithographs and a map of Disneyland....
- In 2010, I worked at Disneyland for 8 months in the stores
of Tomorrowland, Fantsyland, and ToonTown.
My husband proposed there after arguing with me for over an hour
about "not having an engagement ring"
- Aurora Rose is named after Sleeping Beauty because she is my favorite princess
(although to be honest, Snow White is really the only princess
I have issues with,
oh and Cinderella's dress being blue
isntead of white like in the movie - moving on)
And I have a very understanding husband that let me name her
after a fictional character ;)
- Mint chocolate chip ice cream is my favorite.
- I like to bake cookies when it rains.
- I love to try and be crafty,
but most of the time it doesn't work hahaha
- I'm the oldest of three, I have 2 younger brothers (21 and 17)
and the 21 year old just got married in March!
- We've lived in the same apartment complex for 3 years now.....
hoping that will change soon!
- Andrew and I both come from small immediate families
and as such we want a bigger family,
BUT I'm thinking more along the lines of adopting a bunch then popping out 8 kids!
So come over and check out my blog if it suits your fancy ;)
And happy new baby to Jen!!!
Yay!! It was my pleasure to post for you!! Here's hopin baby comes soon!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for being here! ...and amen to that. :)