January 25, 2016

Mila Monday

242 + 144 + 11 weeks

Her teachers at church made a paper sword and cardboard shield for each kid in their class. She has been playing knight all day.

I'm so proud of my brave girl facing fire-breathing dragons to rescue her friends...even if both are just pretend.


For now, she is happy, with her favorite "yummy smoothie" in a red cup and a "bee-you-tee-ful dwess."

While I'm glad we've (mostly) moved on from the giant pink tutu, it's nearly impossibly to explain to her no, we don't wear our nicest clothes to play in the sandbox, that's what play clothes are for. Cue ALL THE TANTRUMS. Sigh. Is there anything more stubborn than a nearly-three-year-old? I doubt it.


As for this guy? He's just happy to watch the circus unfold.
And we're happy to have him around.

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