December 1, 2015

Mila Monday

234 + 136 + 3 weeks

I've been reminded many times last week how much longer everything takes with a newborn around. Add two more dawdling children and, well, this morning it took us an entire hour to walk a mile. We literally went 1 mph. I'm sure we'll get better and faster at this eventually, but for now life is pretty slow. I'm trying not to have high expectations for myself, especially when it comes to "nonessentials" like blogging.

But I am looking forward to posting more regularly...eventually. Truly I am.

We went to the library yesterday and picked up a giant stack of (mostly) Christmas/winter books. And then we came home and read every single one.

The girls found the box of "baby" toys I put away a year ago and keep pulling them out. This time it was because Margot had to make an important call to Gwandma Tewwi.

I posted a cute pic of my littlest wild thing on Instagram. Here's the rest of the story: he was completely busting out of that outfit. I couldn't button the legs because HE IS SO STINKIN BIG. I already have to go through his clothes and figure out what is too small. Which is like half of his newborn stuff.

Oh how I love my giant babies.

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