October 11, 2013

No more fixing stuff. Let's just be silly.

My plan was to keep griping about my life and all the things that need to be fixed (and believe me, I could gripe about that all the livelong day) but I realized you don't want to hear all that. Not bunched together without something entertaining in the middle, at any rate. Plus I'm in kind of a weird mood right now. So I'm taking a break from writing about my woes to give you some funny for your Friday.

Don't try to pretend I don't love you.

1) If you haven't ever seen Jimmy "Jim Morrison" Fallon sing the Reading Rainbow theme song, do yourself a favor and watch it now. It is perfection. (Thank my sister-in-law Emily for this one.)

2) I have been laughing about this all week. (The language is not exactly clean, though, so probably don't read it if you are my mom.)

3) Maybe you have been living under a rock and don't know about Hyperbole and a Half. In which case, you probably don't know that Allie, who is possibly the funniest person alive, has been offline for FAR too long. She's back, though, and her latest post is glorious...although I'd expect nothing less.

4) A harmless (ha!) Twitter exchange between The Bloggess and Jen from Epbot led to the creepiest but also funniest (is that even possible?) DIY post ever. (Incidentally: Dear Hope, If you are not already reading Epbot, you should. I think you would lurve it. Love, Jen.)

And 5) I slapped this together in Photoshop so it's far from flawless, and someday my daughter is probably going to die of embarrassment over it, but I cannot stop giggling because look:

FATNISS EVERDEEN, guys. My husband is hilariously brilliant. And Margot would be the ultimate Hunger Games contestant. The odds are always in her favor. And by odds, I mean food, and by favor, I mean mouth.

I'm done now. Happy weekend.


  1. haha. Oh I will have to show trevor that when he gets home from work. he would die from laughter! She looks so cute!

    1. Cute is hardly the word for it, but let me know how Trevor reacts!

  2. Oh my heck Margot!! So cute!!

  3. "And by odds, I mean food, and by favor, I mean mouth." .. Hilarious!! This whole post is just too entertaining.

    1. Thank you, my good woman. I aim to please.

  4. If you need someone to validate you when you thought "Man I am SO funny!" when you wrote this/made your daughter into a meme, well, here I am ready to validate.

    1. That's all I need, really. Just some validation. Because I may think I am hilarious but deep down I worry that in reality I'm just a crazy person talking to the void. :)

  5. I am an immense fan of the Bloggess so Epbot is now priority on the "to-read/follow/enjoy" list ;)
