October 28, 2013

Mila Monday

Amelia: 126 weeks

She has decided she doesn't like having her picture taken anymore, but occasionally I can still get her to smile for me. Sort of.

Margot: 28 weeks

At least this one doesn't have a problem with the camera. Yet.

And, because these outtakes are a more accurate look at my morning, here is Mila ignoring me entirely and Margot screaming her face off. Both were taken only seconds before or after the other shots.

Ah, motherhood.


  1. Haha Oh I love outtakes so very much :)

    1. Kids are so good at 'em. For every hundred photos you take, only like three are good. Or maybe that's just me and my kids...

  2. Those outtakes are perfect... hahahaha.
    Women... so temperamental.
