September 30, 2013

Mila Monday

Amelia: 122 weeks

We bought this old school desk for her at an awesome little store in Tempe called Thriftique. I could spend a lot of money at that place. A lot of money.
Doesn't she look so grown up? It makes my heart all happysad.

Margot: 24 weeks

I know her face is slightly out of focus in this shot, but come on.

That grin. That almost-dimple. That child...oh, that child.


  1. That desk! I love it! I might have to check that place out the next time I'm in the Valley. Also, Mila Monday really makes me want to squish both of your girls. They are too adorable.

    1. Next time you're here, let me know and I'll come with...and maybe bring my squishy girls!
