September 17, 2013

Lorem ipsum and other filler words

My life is kind of nuts right now. I have a new sort-of job, I'm suddenly busy with Segullah again, my mom and sister are visiting later this week and I'm frantically cleaning because I'm embarrassed of the state my house is in, and Mila has been on an eating-and-napping strike, which makes her not such a pleasant person to be around. (Tired + hungry + the mental capacity of a 2-year-old = not my favorite person lately.) When it rains, right?

I have SO MUCH I want to blog about. Funny stuffs and awesome stuffs and thoughtful stuffs and oh my goodness. I keep forgetting or putting off important things. I literally cannot remember my own phone number. (Of course, it's a new one and I never call myself so I don't ever use it, but still.) My brain is just going a mile a minute and I can't seem to get a few minutes to slow down and organize my thoughts.

In short, I'm overwhelmed.

So three things:

1) I'll probably be slowing down on the bloggage over the next couple weeks. I'd rather write a handful of meaningful posts than a whole bunch of thrown-together ones.

2) I've extended the Clothes Minded giveaway entry deadline till tomorrow. If you haven't entered yet, you still have time. Just FYI.

3) I could use a bit of encouragement and/or distraction. If you've read any good articles or funny blog posts or just saw a hilarious gif that I should see, please share them in the comments. I don't exactly have time to be trolling the internet for entertainment, but I could sure use a break every now and then, y'know?

I love you small handful of people who read this li'l blog. Please know that.You're the bestest.


  1. omg I feel your pain on the food/nap strikes. All I can say is it really is a phase, despite it feeling like forever. I thought Spencer would never get out of that, but we seem to be in a better place now and it hasn't been nearly as long as it felt like while it was happening. I'm fresh out of funny things though... I just spent a couple hours at a presidency meeting talking about lots of non-funny things. So I guess I need a few of those too. :)

  2. I was just thinking this morning about how insanely overwhelmed I am right now. I literally feel like I will NEVER catch up. So in a selfish way, it's good to know that somebody else who I consider capable & talented is feeling the same sort of way.

    I sincerely hope Mila returns to her cheery self!! No fun at all to have a grumpy 2-year-old.

  3. Read Hope's latest post:

    It'll make you happy ;)

  4. Forget about the cleaning, and for the record...I'm buying donuts when we get there.
