September 13, 2013

Happy Friday, Y'all

I'm working on a post that is taking way more time to write than I wish it would, but it's important to me to get it right and it just isn't yet. So here are two things for today.

1) Because it's Friday the 13th and quotes from NBC sitcoms are always applicable to my life:
  (Via Mikaela)

2) Because I started taking a belly dancing class this morning and this is pretty close to what I looked like:

Minus the beard, though. Don't be jealous.

Also, don't forget to enter the giveaway! Odds are good right now that my mom is going to win, which is awesome for her, but maybe you should win. Yes you. Go enter.

1 comment:

  1. I just really love slash am slightly jealous that you started taking a belly dancing class!
