August 20, 2013

Jibber Jabber, ep. 3

Please excuse the dust. I'm renovating. And having a hard time making my code JUST BEHAVE ALREADY. Ahem.

While I get the kinks worked out, please enjoy a few entertaining conversations I've had with Mila lately and a few photos taken on my new fancy pants phone (which I use way more often than my good camera, even though the picture quality is comparatively terrible).


The one where we come up with some unique Halloween costumes...

Me: "Mila girl, what do you want to be for Halloween?"

Mila: "Ha'ween? Ha'ween!"

Me: "Yep. What do you want to dress up as for Halloween?"

Mila: "Um...kangawoo. Kangawoo a Ha'ween."

Me: "Okay. What should Margot be?"

Mila: "Um...a pwesent."

Me: "A present?"

Mila: "A pwesent! For me!"

Me: "All right. What should Mama be?"

Mila: "Birtday cake. Spinkle birtday cake."

Me: "And what about Daddy?"

Mila: "Bweadsticks."

The one where I noticed that Mila had found the brownie David brought home for me which I was saving to eat while the girls took naps....
Me: "What do you have?"

Mila: "It's mine!"

Me: "I'm pretty sure it's not."

Mila: "I'm pwetty sure it's mine."

Me: "Really. And why is that?"

Mila: "Because it belongs to me."


The one where she changes the lyrics...

Me: *singing* "Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a..."

Mila: "Bicycle!" 

The one wherein it is useful to know Mila's word for nipple is knuckle.

Mila: "I have my chest."

Me: ?

Mila: "You have your chest."

Me: "Yes...?"

Mila: "Knuckles."

Me: Aha. "Yes."

Mila: "Mahgo knuckles?"

Me: "Yes."

Mila: "Daddy knuckles?"

Me: "Yes."

Mila: "Mila knuckles. Aunt Kim...Livy knuckles. Ebbyone knuckles."

Me: "Uh huh."

Mila: "Knuckles. Yes."


  1. I expect to see the four of you dressed as a kangaroo, a present, a birthday cake, and breadsticks for Halloween. You might think you could do better, but you really couldn't.

    1. I keep trying to come up with something better, but she pretty much nailed it. Now it's just a matter of execution...

    2. Yeah! I agree! No more coordinated fox hunting. Random is the new cool. You would look good in spinkles.

  2. haha. I like Sam's comment! I agree... No better ideas for halloween than that! And that is funny that she thought of me and Livy in the knuckles conversation! I am glad she knows who I am! :) I need to come down and visit! But I think that will probably have to wait till next year ish since riding in the car is really hard when my legs fall asleep from my prego belly!

    1. Of course she knows who you are! She loves you guys! We'll probably come visit you before you make it down this way again, so don't even worry about it. :)

  3. You forgot my favorite conversation about pumping milk. But perhaps you are saving that for another day.

    1. I actually did forget that one. How, though, I'm not sure That stuff is comedy gold.

  4. I'm mostly just excited to see what you come up with for the breadsticks costume. Also, I love her sass about the brownie belonging to her. Hahahah. I laughed out loud at that one.
