August 27, 2013

Balloons make me happy

I am so ready for August to be over.

For one, it's blazing hot. I looked at the weather report and saw that it will only be 97 today and did a tiny little celebratory dance. That's just sad. Dear summer, please go away. Love, Jen.

For another, I'm ready to start spending money again.

I haven't been perfect at this spending fast thing. We ordered pizza for dinner one evening, because the previous night the girls took turns waking us up every hour or two and consequently we were all incredibly cranky that day. I bought finials for the curtains in the pink room while on a bookcase-measuring excursion to Ikea. David treated himself to lunch a couple days this month, and I went out to dinner with some friends last Friday night. Oh, and lest you forget, we totally bought iPhones. But other than that, we've done really well. So well, in fact, that our kitchen remodel fund has almost doubled. I'm so proud.
Not only have we managed to save a ton, but I've had to step up my parenting game. On days when I can't think of anything to do--there's no story time at the library, it's too hot for the zoo, and we don't have plans with friends--my default is to go to Target or Home Depot and wander around in the air conditioning. When I do that, I inevitably drop a few dollars here and there on things we may or may not need. And then, more often than not, we stop at Wendy's for a frosty on the way home. I didn't want to tempt myself, so we've avoided our usual retail haunts all month. Which means we've stayed home a lot more than we usually do.

One day when we were all bored and rather grumpy, I realized my options were either drive myself crazy doing nothing or get creative. So I made this:

It's an upside-down card table, a fitted bed sheet, a little duct tape for reinforcement, and a whole bunch of balloons. It's super ghetto, but Mila thought it was the BEST THING EVER.

She called it her balloon tent and played happily in there for several hours. Throwing balloons out. Throwing them back in. 

Climbing in and out and in and out. (The elastic on the sheet kept the balloons in but made it easy enough for her to access without my help. I am a genius.)

She even brought in a pillow and blanket and her stuffed kangaroo and told me she was going to take a nap there.

She didn't, by the way, but it was pretty cute nevertheless.
When it was time for lunch, we had homemade mac and cheese--made from whole wheat pasta and rBST free white cheddar--with organic grapes on the side. No joke. I know. Could I be more pretentious? I doubt it. But it's the truth, and it was delicious, so I'm not even a little bit ashamed.

The moral of the story is: when the goal is to avoid spending money, even a lazy mom like me can turn a retail-therapy-and-chicken-nuggets kind of day into a magical morning full of balloons and healthy foods because it's either that or kill each other over the lack of anything better to do.


  1. Yes. I was just thinking yesterday that this is the time of the year I usually use my will to live because it is so hot and we still have 2 months left of this soul-crushing heat.

    I also like to go to Target or the mall and wander around with Owen when we're bored but I try not to for the very same reason as you. It's impossible not to spend money at Target. So lately Owen and I have been pretending it's not hot even though it is and going for walks and playing at the park. It's nice to be outside again but it's also sweaty and awful, you know?

    1. It's the sweat trickling down my back that gets me. Ugh. Call me when all the parks are climate controlled.

  2. *loose my will to live. Not use it. Weird typo.

  3. I kind of want to "pin" this card-table-fitted-sheet-balloon idea. It's pretty much genius!

    Basically, I want to be the kind of mom you are.

    Also, that mac & cheese sounds amazing.

    1. Do it. If it goes viral, I will probably laugh until I wet myself, because it's more a product of desperation than genius. But then that's kind of how I roll. :)

  4. How fun! My 2.5 year old would love to do something like this... a child's dream :) Following you after seeing you on AZ Blogger Meetup FB page
    Get Busy Living Blog

    1. Glad to have you around, Elizabeth! Welcome!

  5. That is awesome! I have to try that for Emma. I am SO tired of this heat too. We are a one car family now so when I get really bored and irritable in the house I have no idea what to do with myself and the little one.

    1. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to survive summer here without a car! You are my hero.

  6. I think this is incredible. I think you need to create a Pinterest-friendly guide to this balloon fort and put your logo on the photo so when people repin it, it clicks back to this post!

    ...also, then I can selfishly save it for when I'm a mom. :)

    Great blog find via the AZ Blogger Meetup FB page!

    1. Oh it hardly merits a tutorial but I'm flattered you think so. Pin it to a "when I have kids" board with my blessing. :)
