July 30, 2013


Oh, this post is long overdue. I wrote it quite a while ago but couldn't remember where the photos went until the other night. So here you go: a not-so-recent rundown of playdates we've had, or--to put it less succinctly but more accurately--we like hanging out with family and friends and need to do it more often.


We've gotten to meet up with lots of friends over the last few months. Given my tendency to stay home and keep to myself, this is kind of a major accomplishment. It's all about being braver, dontcha know. That and wanting to cross something else off the list. Plus the not-so-happy realization that when we stay home too much I turn into a crazy woman. Who knew?

My friend Melissa had her daughter Vivi the day after Mila was born. It was fun to compare pregnancies, and then growth and milestones for the girls' first year...and then we moved away. We made plans to meet up with them for story time at the library back before Margot was born, then spent an hour or so playing in the sunshine afterward. The girls look disinterested, but they had a blast exploring and sharing snacks.
And after Margot arrived, we made a similar story time date with my friend Natalie and her son Kody. Unfortunately, I was too busy wrangling Miss Margot to take any pics. Let it be known, though, that we had a lovely morning together. I very rarely spend time with old high school friends; it was so nice to reconnect now that we're both married and have kids and aren't dumb teenagers anymore.

Around that same time, David's sister Anna came down from Utah to visit, bringing her two kiddos with her. His other sister, Emily, arranged for the cousins and some friends to come play in the water in her backyard.
Afterward, Mila got some alone time with cousin James and the iPad. They were so cute together.
Again, it was so great to spend time with people we love who don't see very often. Resolved: make more time for that kind of thing.

We spent nearly every Friday morning this year at the park with friends from church...until it got too hot for that, at any rate. I never took my camera, though, so I have no pictures of Mila tromping around with the big kids, or crying at the top of the slide because she wants me to help her, or happily swinging for as long as anyone will push her. It happened, though, photographic evidence notwithstanding.

With swimming lessons behind us and the summer is still going strong, we're going to have to make other arrangements to play with friends, because Mila has loved doing that every afternoon for two weeks. Anyone want to hit up a splash pad with us? Or come over and blow bubbles and color with sidewalk chalk? It's deathly hot out, but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun!

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