May 30, 2013


Two years ago Miss Amelia made me a mama.

Of all the days I've lived, that one was easily one of my favorites.

Although every day that she tells me, "I love you soooo much," is also a favorite.

I love you soooo much, too, Mila girl. You still make me all swoony.


  1. Happy Birthday pretty girl! The day I became a mama is also easily one of my favorite days I've ever lived! Babies are something else, aren't they?

    Just as I typed that Owen started crying because he can't get into a drawer he's not supposed to get into. Silly babies.

    1. Silly babies, indeed. Mila was just crying because I gave her the cup of milk she asked for. Irrational precious little beasties, you just can't help but love 'em.

  2. I love her hair these days. I miss her! Happy birthday! It's funny how, because little ones don't remember it, the first few birthdays are more like a milestone for parents, because those first few years are so demanding. Good job Jen!

    1. Thanks Anna. It is kind of a parental milestone, isn't it? Although she was pretty excited about birthday cake and candles. :)

  3. Oh how I love her hair cut! She looks so cute with her hair like that! Happy Birthday Mila! Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you! BUt I think if we would have come by we might have given you sickness and I dont that is something you want on your birthday! Love you Mila!

    1. Thanks for not gifting us your sickness. Love you too!
