April 30, 2013

End of the month list update: March & April

The year is one-third over and I feel like it just started. How is it May tomorrow already? Yeesh.

At any rate, I never did an update for March, so here are the last two months worth of list items I crossed off or worked on or whatever. I'll be honest: I'm feeling a bit discouraged because the list is long and it's seriously already May.  BUT...I still have eight months, and even if I haven't even started some of them (SCUBA certification? Painting bookshelves? Hosting parties? No, no, and no.) I am making progress on a lot of my goals. There's hope yet, right?


Baby is here!

Our garden is growing! I'll be posting new photos soon, because merciful heavens, things are exploding out there and it's awesome.

More vegetarian dinners! (A recipe for Cauliflower Tomato Curry is buried at the end of this post.)

New-to-me "restaurants"! ...Although I may decide not to count Sub-Zero Ice Cream and insist on going to another place instead, just because I can.

A few more cakes! Thin Mint, chocolate with vanilla frosting, and butterscotch cream bring the total to 11, which means I'm more than a third of the way to meeting my goal.

Reconnecting with old friends! My old roommate Brooke and her husband Scott and their kiddos were in town last month, and we got to play for the first time in probably six years. It was lovely. Post and photos forthcoming!

Play dates for Mila! We've had a few in the last couple months...those posts are also forthcoming! (Yes, I'm behind on things like that. I had a baby. Sue me.)

Weekly baby pics! Still not sure what to call my Monday posts, but both girls will be making their weekly appearance.

Monthly svithes! March is here and April is here, in case you missed 'em.

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