January 8, 2013

Birthday Boneyard

The crab legs were a hit with both the birthday boy and the baby girl.
I don't know what I was afraid of. This was possibly the easiest "gourmet" dinner I've ever made, cleanup included. We'll be having these again for sure.

(Also, have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE the fact that Mila will eat anything? Mahi-mahi, spicy enchiladas, coconut curry...there's very little she won't try and doesn't love. It's fantastic.)

The cake was a hit too, but we ate most of that on Sunday with David's family. And while I already have a post written with a recipe that you know you want to try, it's gonna have to wait a little while longer.
After all, I still owe the internet "after" photos of the checkerboard room. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. I'll post them tomorrow.

(It's only a day away.)


  1. Replies
    1. It sure helps, but practice makes perfect...and I still need more practice. :)
